How do I Become a Content Writer with no Experience? 10 Ways

Did you know that you can become a content writer with no experience at all? Yeah! That is possible. Besides, you can also start a journey in a content writing career with no academic qualifications. However, you will need basic writing tools like a laptop, smartphone and a reliable internet connection.

One way you can become a content writer with no experience is by leveraging on platforms like Nairaland where retail freelance writers are looking for newbies that can handle their jobs. Most of them do not care if you have the experience or not, however, the offer is not always lucrative. But, it is worth building your experience.

Content writing has become one of the most lucrative soft skills that allow you to work from the comfort of your home.

It may sound funny to say you need little or no experience to get a job in this era, but with this skill, you may not need any experience to begin

Below are ten skilful ways to become a content writer with no experience.

See also: 9 Tips to Improve Your Communication Skills

How Do I Become A Content Writer With No Experience? 10 Ways

How Do I Become A Content Writer With No Experience 10 Ways
  1. Get a writing Firm to support you
  2. Begin a blog
  3. Writing For family and Relatives
  4. Networking with professionals in your niche
  5. Get your start with a content network
  6. Review your grammar
  7. Learn about SEO
  8. Cold pitch big sites
  9. Search for a Conducive Work Environment

1. Create Catchy Content Samples

Proof of your previous or latest work as a content writer could go a long way in convincing a prospective client. So, while waiting to get a job, create catch content samples that can serve as experience if required.

Giving excuses can cost you some lucrative jobs. So, be prepared to jump on any opportunity you find.

Also, for a company you think you would love to work for, you can send them a sample of your work. Fortunately, you could be hired.

2. Get a writing Firm to support you

Becoming a writer that works with a writing organization is a great opportunity. This naturally helps you to overcome the newbie’s pains in the writing job, especially with launching your profile.

Most times getting a job could be difficult. But when you work under a firm, getting gigs becomes the firm’s sole responsibility, and all that’s demanded from you is to pitch clients’ stories.

Again, one benefit of working through a writing firm could be working with experts in your niche.

Meanwhile, it also helps you become better and more confident about your writing, as you will work with people with excellent knowledge and experience.

3. Begin a blog

Blogging is an easy way to get your writing digital as a content writer. This is a great chance to fine-tune your understanding and views on a specific topic you want to publish professionally.

Furthermore, if you have a large followership, you may be able to monetize your work through advertisements.

4. Writing For Family and Relatives

If you have no experience at all, you can begin with your family members. It’s not all about being a freelance writer privately; publicize your work to people.

Start by writing things about them or what they know about in an impressive manner. They can help to score you while you improve daily.

Family members can give you good recommendations to build your confidence.

This is because Familiar audiences make you feel more relaxed when drafting your work.

You can also make use of sites like Canva to create beautiful designs for free.

5. Networking with professionals in your niche

You can’t stay as an island in the niche of the content writer; you need to connect with those in your place.

Sometimes, jobs are usually done by networking with other content writers. And if you eventually don’t know any content writers in your life, you must connect with them via social media platforms.

Making effort to reach out to other content writers is a great way to start connecting.

The essence of networking is that most times when they have an excess workload, they will transfer some to you based on your relationship with them.

6. Get your start with a content network

In past years, there have been well-known content mills, such as Writing Bunny and Demand studios, very well.

One of the ways of generating revenue is through adverts and affiliate links provided by the content network and content mills.

This is a fantastic platform for writers. Also, you can look for clients who are in the service of a writer.

7. Review your grammar

As a content writer, you must make your writing concise and clear. First, put your grammar in check and avoid blunders in your profile when you have to pitch your work to clients.

You want your clients to think of you as unknowledgeable if there are several errors in your career, then your clients won’t take you seriously.

8. Learn about SEO

One of the most significant and influential marketable characteristics that you need to possess as a content writer in 2022 is Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

It helps content writers in this century ensure that their work is readable and visible on Google search pages. Your knowledge of SEO will help you when you publish your work. Also, ensure you research SEO if you have little or no knowledge about it.

9. Cold pitch big sites

Cold pitching successfully takes a good understanding of a company’s content requirements; do your research first, which could lead to lucrative and exciting opportunities.

To excel in your content writing career, here’s what you must do.

First, you must research any company of your choice and pitch a story. Whether the company does not require a content writer, the aim is to make them see you and hopefully consider you.

This act is called Cold pitching; here, the least that can happen to you is that you could be turned down by the firm with which you had no prior connection.

Cold pitching could land you on a lucrative gig and excellent outcomes too.

10. Search for a Conducive Work Environment

You must understand that writing takes a lot of focus, and a little distraction could mess things up for you. As a content writer, you need to find an environment that will increase productivity.

It simply means avoiding areas where noise is relatively high, or you find an alternative of headphones.

Always partner in a conducive working environment with a good office setting, which will enhance productivity, unlike a noisy environment.


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