How do I find recently unblocked numbers?

If you’ve unblocked a contact from your phone or messaging app and want to retrieve their number, it might depend on the specific platform or device you’re using.

Here are some general steps to help you find recently unblocked numbers.

On Android Devices

  1. Open the phone app: Launch the phone app on your Android device.
  2. Access Settings: Look for the “Settings” or “Three Dots” icon and tap on it.
  3. Call History or Blocked Numbers: Navigate to “Call History” or “Blocked Numbers” within the settings.
  4. Check for Unblocked Numbers: You might find a list of previously blocked numbers here. Scroll through the list to find the recently unblocked number.
  5. Recover Contact: Once you locate the number, tap on it to view details and potentially add it back to your contacts.

On iPhone/iOS Devices

  1. Go to Settings. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Phone Settings: Tap on “Phone” settings.
  3. Call Blocking & Identification: Look for “Call Blocking & Identification” or “Blocked Contacts.”
  4. View Recently Blocked Numbers: You might find a list of recently blocked numbers here. Check for the number you recently unblocked.
  5. Restore Contact: If you find the number, select it to view details and potentially restore it to your contacts list.

Messaging Apps

For messaging apps like WhatsApp or Messenger, finding recently unblocked numbers might vary. Typically, once you unblock a contact, you should be able to access their profile or conversations directly from your chats or contacts list.


Depending on your device or messaging programme, finding newly unblocked numbers can vary.

Retrieving these contacts may be possible on Android or iPhone devices by checking the call history or banned number settings.

Regaining access to a contact’s profile or discussions on messaging apps should be possible after unblocking them.

It’s critical to look through the contacts or settings area of your particular smartphone or app to find recently unblocked numbers and, if necessary, reestablish contact with those individuals.

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