How to know you love someone

It may be difficult to fully describe or understand the complex and multifaceted feeling of love.

It can take on a variety of forms and show up in a multitude of ways.

But when you really love someone, there are certain traits and feelings that you often experience.

If you’re wondering how to know whether you’re in love, here are five crucial indicators that might help you recognize true love.

1. You give their welfare top priority:

The happiness and well-being of the person you care about come first in your life. 

You are willing to make adjustments in order to ensure that they are satisfied because you genuinely care about their needs, wants, and feelings.

To support and encourage their accomplishments, you’re willing to go above and beyond, even if it occasionally means putting your own needs aside.

2. You accept them as they are

Love is the unflinching acceptance of another person for who they really are—flaws and all.

You don’t try to change or fix someone you care about.

You love them unconditionally, accepting all of their shortcomings and strengths. 

You respect and acknowledge their uniqueness, and you’re willing to collaborate to overcome challenges, even when you don’t agree.

3. There is a strong emotional bond between you:

Love is more than a simple infatuation or physical desire.

When you genuinely love someone, you experience a deep emotional bond with them.

You have a deep understanding of one another, which allows you to communicate honestly and freely.

You are there to support one another through the highs and lows of life, and you can share your ideas, feelings, and fears with one another without fear of judgment or rejection.

4. You respect and trust them

The foundation of every healthy and loving relationship is respect and trust.

When you are in love with someone, you have complete faith in their moral fibre and integrity.

You have faith in their honesty and devotion, as well as in their judgement and actions.

You accept their boundaries, opinions, and choices, and you value their independence and autonomy.

5. You’re willing to collaborate with others to overcome obstacles.

It’s not always simple to be in love.

When you really love someone, you are prepared to resolve any issues that may arise in your partnership.

You’re committed to taking care of issues, settling conflicts, and enhancing your bond.

You’re willing to take on obstacles and engage in difficult conversations because you plan to stay in this for the long run.

6. A feeling of peace and assurance comes over you.

Being with your partner when you’re in love gives you a sense of security, comfort, and self-assurance.

You may be yourself with them without fear of rejection or condemnation.

You know they’ll look out for your best interests and help you out when you need it.

You get a deep sense of serenity and contentment, as well as a sense of home and belonging when you are with them.

7. You consider their well-being and future:

Love encompasses not just the present moment but also what is ahead.

When you have affection for someone, you think about what will ultimately bring them happiness and health.

You envision a future together, and you make plans with them in mind.

You’re thrilled about the prospect of sharing your golden years with them and are prepared to give up everything in order to build a life together.


Love is a profound feeling that goes beyond fleeting impulses or surface emotions.

It’s about putting the other person’s welfare first and building a solid emotional connection based on trust, respect, and support.

If you experience them, you probably do, as these are signs of deep and genuine love.

It’s important to remember that love is a complex and ever-changing emotion; therefore, it’s acceptable to take your time to fully understand how you feel.

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