Unblock Someone I Blocked App: How to unblock someone on Facebook on my phone✅

Blocking someone on Facebook can sometimes feel necessary to protect yourself or maintain your privacy. However, circumstances change, and you may want to reconnect with someone you’ve previously blocked.

If you’re wondering how to unblock someone on Facebook using your phone, you’re in the right place.

Let’s walk through the simple steps to unlock those connections and potentially rekindle relationships:

Step 1: Open the Facebook App

  • Start by opening the Facebook app on your smartphone. Ensure that you’re logged in to your account.

Step 2: Access Settings

  • Tap on the menu icon, typically represented by three horizontal lines, located in the top-right corner of the app. This will open the Facebook menu.
  • Scroll down and find the “Settings & Privacy” option. Tap on it to expand the menu.

Step 3: Navigate to Blocking Settings.

  • Within the “Settings & Privacy” menu, locate the “Settings” option and tap on it.
  • Scroll down until you find the “Blocking” section. Tap on “Blocking” to access your blocking settings.

Step 4: Unblock the Person

  • In the “Blocking” section, you’ll see a list of people you’ve previously blocked on Facebook.
  • Find the name of the person you want to unblock, and tap on the “Unblock” option next to their name.
  • A confirmation pop-up will appear, asking if you’re sure you want to unblock the person. Confirm your decision by tapping “Unblock” again.

Step 5: Confirm Unblock

  • Once you’ve confirmed the unblock, the person will be removed from your blocked list, and they’ll be able to interact with you on Facebook again.

Step 6: Reconnect (Optional)

  • If you wish to reconnect with the person after unblocking them, you can send them a friend request or reach out with a message to initiate communication.


By following these simple steps, you can unblock someone on Facebook using your phone and potentially reopen the lines of communication.

Whether you’ve had a change of heart or simply want to give someone another chance, unblocking allows you to take control of your connections and foster meaningful relationships on your own terms.

So why wait? Unblock that someone today and see where the journey leads! 🚫➡️✅

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