What countries is Facebook dating available in?

Facebook Dating, a feature integrated into the Facebook platform, offers users the opportunity to explore romantic relationships through the social media giant.

As part of its expansion, Facebook Dating is available in various countries worldwide, aiming to connect individuals seeking meaningful connections.

Here is an overview of the countries where Facebook dating is currently available:

1. United States

Facebook Dating launched in the United States in September 2019, marking its debut in the dating app landscape.

2. European Union Countries

Several countries within the European Union have embraced Facebook dating, offering its features to users seeking relationships.

3. South American Countries

Facebook dating is accessible in numerous South American countries, providing a platform for individuals in these regions to connect romantically.

4. Asian Countries

Certain Asian countries have adopted Facebook dating, enabling users in these regions to access its services and features.

5. African Countries

Facebook Dating has expanded its reach to several African countries, fostering connections among users within these nations.

6. Oceania

Countries in Oceania, including Australia and New Zealand, have also embraced Facebook dating, allowing users in these regions to seek romantic relationships.

Facebook Dating: Expanding its Reach

Facebook has been progressively rolling out its dating feature to additional countries, aiming to create a global network for individuals seeking romantic relationships.

The company continues to explore opportunities to introduce Facebook Dating in more countries, expanding its user base and providing a platform for connections on a global scale.


Facebook Dating has made significant strides in its global expansion, allowing users across various continents and countries to connect and build meaningful relationships.

As Facebook continues to expand its dating feature, it is expected to reach more countries, enhancing its presence and accessibility to individuals seeking romantic connections worldwide.

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