What is the 7-day wait on Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating has a unique feature called the 7-day wait, which is meant to discourage casual encounters and promote deeper connections.

There’s a waiting period that starts on the site when you match someone and ends when you message them.

The Purpose of the 7-Day Wait

This waiting period’s main objective is to motivate users to have more deliberate conversations.

You have to wait seven days after matching with someone before you both start talking.

By giving users time to think over their matches instead of messaging every person they match with right away, this waiting period seeks to promote real connections.

Why the wait?

The seven-day wait is intended to counter the rapid and frequently shallow swiping culture prevalent on other dating apps.

Facebook Dating hopes to encourage users to prioritise quality over quantity in their interactions by instituting this policy.

It allows users to take a closer look at their matches and determine whether or not they want to strike up a discussion.

How It Works

On Facebook Dating, a countdown metre that shows the duration of the 7-day waiting period starts as soon as you match with someone.

You can see the person you matched with during this time, but you can’t message them until the waiting period is up.

Users are encouraged by this delay to spend more time getting to know their matches before making contact.


Facebook Dating has implemented a 7-day wait period as a purposeful strategy to promote deeper relationships.

Before striking up a discussion, it advises users to take the time to get to know their matches.

By prioritising quality interactions over instant messaging, this feature promotes deliberate contacts that may result in more authentic relationships.

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